Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Latest 2013 How to Generate more Traffic to Your Blog Website Free

Latest 2013 How to Generate Traffic to Your Blog | Website

and in my previous article I have explain How to make money online free lifetime with blogging so now most of the reader ask me same question how to generate traffic so Traffic is most important factor in any blog for its will success. There are almost 100-300 the new blogs are created per day on the internet.

Latest 2013 How to Generate Traffic to Your Blog Website
SEO is the most important role play to generate the traffic try to get the page rank and maintain the keyword density of the 2-3%. Bold and italic of your keywords and that's it. and if your content is quality so then you'll easily get the good rank for sure.

increase blog website traffic with seo

After publishing the post, try to get backlinks from the high PR and then high authority sites. This will help you to get better rank in the search engines and then thus HUGE TRAFFIC.
Social media has become the synonym of the search engine optimization now a days and Mostly if you want to get the ranked better at Google SEO then getting more Google+ shares helps a lot for your blog and also other social media shares and the exposure helps. Like Facebook, twitter and other.
more traffic to your blog drive more traffic to your websit

in my experience Social Media is the main traffic source of my new blog. I get almost 51% traffic from my social media other 30% and 19% from other websites.So try to share your articles to Facebook, twitter, Google+, Pintest, delicious and reddit so then you get more traffic.
Most of the people think that it’s a waste of time but in my personal experience You should try to do some the new guest posts on the various blogs and You'll reach the new visitors through this and then also earn some backlinks too easily. As soon as your writing skills that will grow up do the guest posts on the top blogs and you get higher traffic.

guest post free to increase traffic

Drive traffic from the Question and Answer sites

People ask the lots of questions daily on the web. There are related to the various topics. The most popular question and the answer sites are Yahoo Answers and Quora ETC.

Answer the questions of the different people from there and try to put your blog link at the end of answer if your answer quality so then you get easily generates traffic towards your blog. And please don’t spam there.

Add images into your posts

Almost every search engine like Google, Bing has an image the search option too and if your blog gets ranked well for the keyword in image search then you may be get lots of traffic too.try to give use proper alt and title tag. It’s very helpful to generate the traffic.

Observe your blog traffic

Implement the Google Analytics into your blog to know the comprehensive details of the blogs traffic. It’s very helpful for you and then you will be able to know the actual and exact keywords what people search and then come to your blog. You can also know your audience's demographics and lot more. and then you'll get ranked well and for those too.

I shared some well working white hat tips to increase your blog's traffic and if Do you also have any awesome tips so share below?

Posted by R2blog. R2blog auto post for blogspot. Download at


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