Wednesday 29 May 2013

How to get thousands of Instagram Likes and Hundreds of followers ?

Personally i did'nt use INSTAGRAM but due to request of our daily visitor i am writing this article by this method you will get 150+ likes on All or several of your Pics and 150+ followers on any INSTAGRAM Account.

Tool we will use : Instahoot/Gramhoot This Online tool is created by Indian Developer Abhishek Luthra.

So let's start.

1- Get on your phone and make one fake INSTAGRAM account (new).

2-When fake account is created now add profile picture to your fake account and Upload five random pictures on your this fake instagram account and edit BIO of fake account (atleast of 7 words)

3-Go to
4-click on new Register button.

5-now click 'How to get authorization url'

6- Scroll down and click on the 'Click Here' link, that will log you out of any Instagrams account you may be logged in on the browser, now close that tab.

7-Now click on Authoriza gramhoot button.

8-now click on 'ok' and then on new tab of INSTAGRAM login with your Fake account you just created.

9-when loggined it will be written 'AUTHORIZE' click it.

10- now after authorizing you will be redirected to website name GRAMFEED now copy whole link
11-and paste that url in Authorization url feed . ^^^^

12-now click yes.

13-now enter fake account information in USERNAME and PASSWORD and there is a field INSTAGRAM REAL username now here enter the USERNAME of your real account where you want to get likes or followers.
It will take a little while (10-30 Seconds) to register.

14-when registered come back to and now login here. with fake account and password.

15-when you are loggined in gramhoot you are done :) now click on any INSTALIKE photo and check results.

special Thanks to ABHISHEK LUTHRA for creating such a Helpfull tool for INSTAGRAM users.
Having any problems ? Comment below.

Posted by R2blog. R2blog auto post for blogspot. Download at


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