Sunday 4 November 2012

Top 5 Ways to Boost Traffic to Your Site

Ever since the advent of the Search Engine Optimization by Google, there has been a clamor among websites to increase traffic. Higher traffic allows for more popularity of the website, and also brings in higher number of revenue through advertisements to the website. There are some simple ways to boost one’s web traffic as listed and explained below:

SEO Keywords

One should check Google’s research tool to research and come up with keywords that are commonly searched for, and appropriate to the content posted on one’s website. Keyword popularity is as important as is keyword usability. After a keyword or keywords have been chosen, it is advisable to have keywords planted in the content of the website as well as in the titles of the articles. This is due to the fact that the web can’t read anything other than HTML. Thus if the HTML has the SEO Keywords peppered in it, it would be higher on the rating charts.

Original and Honest articles

It is paramount for web articles to be original, as any web search engine has a module to check for plagiarism in the website’s articles. In case any are found to be plagiarized, the website loses page rank as it is blacklisted by the engine. Honest work is equally important, as quality often contributes to the popularity of a webpage. For instance, if a website provides honest reviews with links for software or technology, it is known to bring in a higher page rank and more viewers. Submitting articles to article directories can also provide backlinks which increase traffic. Their requirements include unique content.

Social Sharing

With the world presenting an overwhelming presence in the social networking universe, one cannot ignore this potential source of traffic. Inclusion of sharing buttons to different social networking sites like Google+, Facebook, Twitter etc. can kick off social bookmarking which is now the easiest way to SEO. This allows a user to get backlinks from the social networking websites.

Forum Commenting

One of the most classic methods is to find target audience. If one’s website caters to people who cook, then it would be beneficial to get traffic with expertise or interest in such matters. Thus, checking out and joining online forums dedicated on such topics would be commendable. One should leave intelligent and targeted comments on these forums with backlinks to one’s websites. This is akin to rubbing someone’s back to get a back rub of one’s own.

Linking and Updating

If one has a website with multiple links then one should ensure that he links the new articles with older articles to get redirected traffic on different pages in the website from in the site itself. Thus, this calls for the website to have interrelated material to an extent. One should also try and write timeless articles, ones which are not rendered redundant by the world within a few months or years. Thus the choosing of topics that are always needed ensure that even the oldest of posts generates a lot of traffic.

This is a guest post contribution by Osho Garg, who writes for, a site that offers link to the best loan options for their readers.

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