Sunday 4 November 2012

Protect your Facebook Account

secure facebook accountNow a days Noob hackers are targeting Facebook account to get the person's information and to destroy their Facebook accounts. Every day thousands of Facebook account, other social networking and email accounts are getting hacked by the noob hackers. So today I am going to show you how to secure your Facebook account Smile


1.  Enable Secure Browsing

To enable secure browsing go to Account setting > security > and on the right side enable the secure browsing and click on save changes.

2. Be aware of phishing schemes
Most of the time attacker will send you email like “your account is at risk and you have to conform that this is real you or not and to conform your real identity you have to login in to your Facebook account using the bellow link.” this is the phishing scheme. That page will redirect you at the fake Facebook page and your email and passwords will be saved in the server, so don't trust this kind of emails and Use antivirus software's.

3. Choose strong and unique password
You have to choose strong and unique password for your Facebook/email accounts use special characters and use upper and lower case latters to create strongest password. don’t use this kind of passwords “i loveyou*******, 12345, mobileno, etc.

4. Never run any code in address bar
Whenever anyone tells you to run the code in to your browsers address bar then don't run that kind of codes because it’s a cookie stealing scheme.(google it cookie stealing)

5. Never use useless Facebook application
Some of the Facebook applications are tracking all your activity and some of the facebook application requires Facebook password verification and the password and your cookie will be saved in the server. so avoid using useless Facebook applications.

6.Connect your mobile with your Facebook account
Connect your mobile with Facebook account so when you lost your Facebook account password or your Facebook account got hacked then you can easily recover your Facebook account using your mobile.

7.Enable login notifications
Whenever you are trying to access your Facebook account from other computer at that time it will ask the device name and it will send you email that using  that device you have logged in into your Facebook account. To enable login notifications go to account setting > security and enable login notification.

8. Use updated antivirus
You must use updated antivirus to protect your self from the keyloggers and spyware software.
so follow this 8 tips to secure your Facebook account But still you cant say that your Facebook/email account cant be hacked because there are many ways to hack Facebook/ email accounts.

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