Items Needed:
White Out Pen or Bottle full of white out
Small wooden matches
-A regular sized straw, that doesn't bend
-Some of those pin/needles with the small colored balls on the end
-A spool of thread
type 1 Cram alot of match heads into the opening of the white out bottle for the pen take off the top then cram the matches in to pen's opening. To ignite just light the match heads and it will either explode or launch.
type 2 take a 2 liter bottle and put lil rolled up balls of aluminum foil in it (about up to the label in the bottle) take The Works toilet bowl cleaner (found at K-Mart) and pour about 1 1/2 cups in. close lid tightly. wait for it to start to smoke then throw. (very fun to duct tape G.I joes to it and watch them blow apart)(or u could throw in a backseat of a car and blow acid all over)
type 3 You simply tie three of four 1/2 inch or so, strands of thread around the end of the pin, so that the colored ball keeps it from sliding off. Then you just insert your improvised darts into the end of the straw and blow. Very simple concept, and lots of fun in the classroom
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