When I was thinking of starting my blogging career, I decided to buy a custom domain name.when you change your sub domain name of the blogger from raw iP i.e something similar to "192.161.252" to simple text like "www.site.com" or anything similar to it you will loose all of your traffic because all of your links will change to ".com/" from ".blogspot.com/" so if you are serious about your blog career then you should buy a custom domain name for your blog.
Some Advantages Of Getting A Domain Name:
1: Its Best For Search Engine Optimization [SEO],
How its best for SEO? it is best for SEO because search engines consider sub domains less as compared to custom domain name, you have also noticed that there are always sites with .com on the SERP's [Search Engine Result Pages] so its better for your site promotion and attraction as well.2: Its Not That Expensive As It Seems To Be,
Domain names are bought for 10-15 bucks usually per year but there are many sites which have set offers and sometimes you can find a domain name just for 1.99 bucks per year isn't it cool?3: A Brand,
You can show other your blog with custom domain name, a unique name will give it a new level of impression and attraction and everyone will have new views for your blog.4: Advertising,
You can even submit your website on BuySellAds and can earn considerable amount of bucks.5: Google Indexes Your Content Faster,
Means that when you buy a custom domain for your blog google will index your content faster as compared to blogs with sub domains, and you will be getting more respect from every search engine.Some Useful Tips:
1: A Suggestion: Buy the domain from blogger.com by going to Settings > Basic > Add A Custom Domain.
2: There are two reason from buying from blogger.com is that you don't have to wait for 1-3 days in which the blog is in process of being transferred from sub domain to custom domain and the second reason is that you won't loose your traffic as anyone opens up your sub domain will be redirected to your custom domain.
2: There are two reason from buying from blogger.com is that you don't have to wait for 1-3 days in which the blog is in process of being transferred from sub domain to custom domain and the second reason is that you won't loose your traffic as anyone opens up your sub domain will be redirected to your custom domain.
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